Triple Trilithon Friendship Theater
Austin Shirley's MFA Thesis
Austin Shirley has combined elements from the Hypogeum, an underground temple structure on the island of Malta, and the structures of Pueblo Bonito and Casa Rinconata in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico to create the Triple Trilithon Friendship Theater in an effort to build community and fight mass violence with Megalithic Architecture. This outdoor amphitheater was designed to go on campus at the University of Texas at Austin's Campus in the Amphitheater Seating that exists behind San Jacinto Dormatory. Austin Shirley took both Scenic and Lighting Design classes while getting his M.F.A. in the Live Design Program at UT, and combined the two disciplines to design an outdoor theater to be used by the students of UT. "Where the only price of admission is the willingness to make a new friend."